Do Chemical Peels Work for Acne Scars?

If you’ve ever dealt with stubborn cystic or inflammatory acne, you’re probably familiar with the scars these blemishes can leave behind. Even years after eliminating breakouts, many people struggle with persistent scarring, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation on the face and body. Fortunately, chemical peels are an effective treatment to diminish the appearance of acne scars and reveal fresh, healthy skin cells. 

Can chemical peels treat acne scars?

They sure can! Let’s look at the science behind chemical peels for acne scars: 

How do chemical peels treat acne scars?

Chemical peels utilize a multi-pronged approach to treating scars from acne vulgaris. They begin by removing superficial layers of dead skin cells to encourage new, undamaged cells to emerge.

This process stimulates collagen production and facilitates better blood flow to the area, which improves skin texture and helps fill in shallow scars. Finally, increased cell turnover rates reduce pigmentation and redness within scar tissue to fade discoloration. 

What types of chemical peels work for acne scars?

You’ll find many types of chemical peels out there that work on superficial, moderate, and deep layers of skin, each offering varying degrees of exfoliation. Most chemical peel services work on the outermost skin cells, while deep chemical peels are limited to board-certified dermatology professionals.

At Vian Aesthetics, our specialized metabolic chemical peels cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish your skin. A micro peel, which incorporates both microdermabrasion and chemical peels, can offer dramatic improvements in acne scars.

Here’s a quick look at some of the products used in our peels:

  • Fruit enzymes (alpha-hydroxy acid)

  • Salicylic acid (beta-hydroxy acid)

  • Lactic acid

  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

  • Vitamin C

  • Encapsulated Vitamin A

Who is suitable for chemical peels to treat acne and scarring?

Chemical peels are a powerful tool against mild to moderate acne scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. They’re best for clients who can tolerate a certain degree of irritation and those who can commit to proper aftercare, including vigilant sun protection. 

If you have severe acne scarring, excess pitting, deep ice-pick acne scars, or increased skin sensitivity, consider consulting with a dermatologist before scheduling a chemical peel. Wait to receive a chemical peel until active acne breakouts are under control and you have no broken skin in the treatment area.

Related reading: Post-facial care and how to nourish your skin

What to expect when treating acne scars with chemical peels

Chemical peels are generally safe and effective treatments for acne scars, but it’s essential to care for your skin before and after your appointment for the best results. Here’s what you can expect: 

Before treatment

A consultation with your esthetician is the first step to treating acne scars with chemical peels. Your skincare specialist will assess your skin type, examine your blemishes, and discuss your medical history to determine the perfect solution for your needs.

Beginning two to four weeks before your chemical peel, eliminate retinols and exfoliants from your skincare routine and add a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your morning routine. Sun protection is essential to avoid discomfort and discoloration. 

During treatment

When you arrive for your chemical peel treatment, your esthetician will gently cleanse your skin to remove dirt and oil from the surface. Then, they will apply a specially formulated acid solution and allow it to work for a predetermined amount of time, usually between five and 10 minutes.

You might feel a tingling or stinging sensation. Some chemical peels containing glycolic acid will end with a neutralizing solution. Finally, your provider may apply a soothing serum, moisturizer, or sunscreen to nourish your skin and protect it from environmental damage. 

After treatment

During the healing process, it’s normal to experience redness, peeling, and increased sensitivity. Use only gentle products in the treatment area, avoid hot water, and skip the gym until your skin heals completely. You can expect your results to become more apparent with time, so be patient as your body builds its collagen reserves and generates fresh, healthy skin cells.

Read more: Chemical peel aftercare

Are there any side effects of chemical peels?

In addition to dry, flaky skin, redness, and sensitivity, chemical peels may increase the risk of more serious side effects, including: 


Although rare, harmful bacteria and other microorganisms can cause painful infections after chemical peels. Keep your hands off the treatment area, avoid sweating, and gently cleanse twice a day as your skin heals. If you’re prone to developing cold sores, consider taking an antiviral medication in the weeks leading up to treatment. 

Skin discoloration

Clients with darker skin tones have a higher risk of developing hyperpigmentation following a chemical peel. You can minimize these effects by protecting your skin from sun exposure and sticking to lighter or more superficial chemical peel solutions for acne scars. 

Additional scarring

Picking at dry, flaky skin can cause irreversible damage, especially as your face heals from treatment. Fresh wounds may scab over, leaving behind even more scar tissue and discoloration. 

Explore your acne treatment options and chemical peels at Vian Aesthetics!

At Vian Aesthetics, we’re committed to nourishing our clients in mind, body, and spirit. Book a consultation today to learn more about our holistic approach to inner and outer beauty!


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