Post-Holiday Detox: Connecting Mind, Body And Soul

It’s been a short, cold month since the holiday season sparkled around us. Just as we started to recover, the cold and snow piled on. Outside weather is harsh; indoor heat is so drying.

This is a traditional time for renewal, so let’s look at where we are and how we can start the year taking better care of ourselves. Did you take the usual route and get back to a healthy diet or exercise? Both? Great. None? Well, the holiday cookies are gone and the party invitations no longer stuff your inbox, so find your way back into routines or get a fresh start with new ones. That includes your skin! Maybe you’ve noticed an extra blemish. Or, your face is looking a little dull. Stress, overeating, or bad eating and drinking definitely impact our skin as well as our bodies. It’s time for some gentle renewal, rejuvenation, detoxing and cleansing.

Simple hacks for relaxing, detoxing

Our mind, body and soul are connected, so whatever you do for one part of you benefits the whole person.

  • Book a spa day to cleanse, detox and relax. Go ahead—indulge in some self-care! Did

you get a gift certificate to a local spa? Use it now. By the time spring comes, you may be anxious to get outside and forget you had a beauty discount. Treat yourself or, better yet, book a date to celebrate with friends. Galentine’s Day meetups, anyone?

  • Create a mini spa at home. On your day off, pour yourself a soothing beverage, turn on the tap and fill your tub with your favorite bath bomb and scents. Relax and enjoy that oh-so-deserving soak. Close your eyes. Let your mind unwind and take you to a peaceful, happy place. Cabo? Santorini? The arms of a loved one?

  • She can multi-mask. You’re an ace multitasker, so a timesaving facial could be just the thing for a busy gal like you. Apply a great face mask like Cosmedix award winning duo kit containing detox (Absorbs excess oil, dirt and daily impurities) and glow (helps improve skin texture and tone to reveal a smoother, brighter and more luminous-looking complexion) . You can actually multi-mask your face for specific areas and concerns.

  • Keep on rollin’. Maybe you’ve heard about jade rolls. There’s no better time to try one and let your skin start enjoying the benefits. These double-ended tools have a larger jade stone at one end (to roll up from the neck and lower face) and a smaller one at the other end (to gently roll around the eye sockets). Use the roller at night or in the morning on slightly moist skin for circulation and toning. Jade rolling feels good and refreshing, especially if you place it in the fridge before using, and stimulates lymphatic drainage, which flushes toxins out of your skin. It can even help reduce puffy eyes! But, roll with care on sensitive skin to avoid any flare-ups.

  • Take time for mindful reflection. Find some quiet time, maybe before or after stretching, to free your mind of negative thoughts. Focus on positive things and what you want 2019 to bring you. Try doing this daily, if you can, to lower stress and free your mind for activities, planning and general well-being.

As you create one or more of these or other experiences, whether at home or at a day spa, be sure to consult your esthetician for help in choosing the right products for your age and skin type.

Starting the year by flushing away stresses and toxins is great. But, why stop at a single, start-of-the-new year experience? Plan on carrying many of these care regimens into the months ahead. Make regular “dates” with yourself so that whole body care becomes regular self-care!


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